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dimarts, 1 de juny del 2010

The Birds Group 3
El dia 13 de Maig vam fer un abeurador al camp d’atletisme...
Primer vam haver de fer un forat, tot seguit al bosc vam recollir pedres grans per posar-les al voltant de l’abeurador. Quan va estar tot enllestit, vam ficar un plàstic al forat per que la terra no és tragués l’aigua. Al final hem posat aigua i una branqueta al mig de l’abeurador perquè els ocells estiguin segurs de que ningú els vol fer mal i puguin beure i banyar-se tranquils.
By Víctor Mir

The Birds Group 3 

On May 13 we made a trough in the field of athletics ...First we had to make a hole, then the forest we collected large stones to put them around the trough. When all was finished, we put a hole in the plastic so that the earth is not tragus water. In the end we put water and a branch in the middle of the trough because the birds are sure that nobody wants to hurt and to drink and bathe in mind.By Victor Mir


dissabte, 10 d’abril del 2010


The last Thursday, April 8 2010, in the afternoon the group 4 went to the class at three o’clock. We stared the episode six. 
When we finished, we went to the athletics field. In the athletics field we made a hollow hole, because the birds can go to drink and bath in it. We made it with one shovel. 
Then, we put one garbage bag above the hole, and a lot of stones around it. The last thing we made was to put sand on the hole, because the birds don’t think that it is a garbage bag.
This day was fantastic and we enjoyed. Today we didn’t finish the hole, but we will finish tomorrow. Every day we will put water in it because every day the water evaporates.

Paula Peiró Vacas

dimarts, 16 de març del 2010

El bany dels ocells (grup5)

El passat dijous dos de març de 2010, vam fer un bany per als ocells. Ens ho vam passar molt bé fent-lo. Primer vam anar a buscar pedres al bosc mentre uns quants cavaven un forat amb l’aixada. Desprès vam distribuir les pedres en un cercle i vam agafar una bossa de brossa per a que no s’escapi l’aigua que desprès vam ficar.

 Notícia en Anglès. The bird Bath
Last Thursday, March 11 2010, we uilt a Bath for the birds. We enjoyed the activity a lot. First we went to the School forest, looking for stones. In the meantime, several other children were digging a hole. After that, we set the stones in a circle and took a garbage bag. We put the polithem sheet on the ground, so the water didn’t leak into the ground.
Guillem Ulier
Traducing: Àngel Biosca
Foto de grup 5
Ficant el plàstic

Fent el forat

dijous, 4 de març del 2010

dimarts, 2 de març del 2010

diumenge, 28 de febrer del 2010

dissabte, 27 de febrer del 2010


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